Five Home Office Design Tips That Inspire Productivity

With droves of workers ditching the nine-to-five grind in pursuit of something more flexible, now more than ever you should consider the importance of a well-designed home office.

After all, working from home may seem like a luxury; however, the freelance lifestyle can be tricky to handle for newcomers due to the sheer wealth of distractions.

Emails. Phone calls. The doorbell. You name it.

Likewise, those working from home may also struggle with feelings of isolation and boredom from being cooped up indoors. You can quickly burn yourself out if you aren’t productive and ensuring that your office nurtures a “get it done” mentality versus one that simply wastes your time.

If you’re looking to crack the proverbial whip and design a home office that actually nurtures your creative, hardworking spirit, consider the following tips as a starting point.

Let There Be Light (or Lack Thereof)

Again, it’s natural to feel isolated when you’re flying solo and working from home. It’s crucial that you remind yourself that the outside side world is alive and well, so consider letting some light into your workspace. Solutions such as bamboo blinds can give your space a sense of style and make your office seem less like a cave.

On the flip side, you may find that your space gets a little too much love from the sun during the day. That’s why blinds are an absolute must for any home office space: you can let in as much or little light as you see fit. Either way, try to give yourself as least some exposure to the sun throughout the day for the sake of your mental health.

Control the Thermostat

Conventional wisdom tells us a warmer work climate fosters productivity, so keep that in mind as you adjust your thermostat while you work. Conversely, you should perhaps invest in an office fan if you find yourself sweating up a storm during the summer months if necessary. Simply keep in mind that if something feels “off” in terms of your office productivity, the temperature may very well bet he culprit.

Set the Appropriate Tone

No two jobs are created equal: likewise, comparing the office spaces of a graphic designer and mortgage broker is like comparing apples and oranges. Regardless of the scope your work, make sure that your workspace fosters creativity and establishes your own sense of personality. For example, you may opt for a bold, black-and-white themed space for a sense of professionalism that reminds you that your home office is a place of work rather than play.

Remove Any and All Clutter

That being said, clutter is surefire productivity killer. Take pride in your workspace and keep it tidy. If something is in your office that isn’t related to your line of work, such as personal knick knacks or odds and ends that you’ve been storing in your office space, it may be time to move those items out.

Rethink Your Desk

Many works are seeing huge returns through standing desks which work to help them focus: on the flip side, perhaps a comfier, high quality desk and chair combination is in order for maximum comfort while you chip away at your workload. Regardless, you should find a balance between comfort and productivity to avoid sitting for too long.

At the end of your day, your home office represents your personal space to get down to business. Instead of business as usual, consider how you can revamp your space for a more productive lifestyle.

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