You Are What You Use – Triclosan

Triclosan | Source: WikipediaOn Saturday, the Government of Canada announced that it was declaring a chemical called 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol to be toxic to the environment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol?? What the heck is that? You may know it by its more common name, Triclosan. But chances are, unless you’re in the science field, you’ve probably never heard of triclosan. And yet, I would be willing to wager that I could find triclosan in at least 5 household products in 9-of-10 average North American homes.

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You Are What You Eat – Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn - Credit: Tripp FendersonThis is the first in a series of posts I’m going to entitle You Are What You Eat. In the case of microwave popcorn, you’re both broke and unhealthy. But wait, isn’t microwave popcorn supposed to be the cheap, healthy alternative to traditional snack foods? Well, in fact, popcorn can be a cheap, healthy alternative to traditional snack food – if you buy a bag of popping corn and pop it yourself.

Let’s look at the economics of consumer popcorn first. I went to two of my local grocery stores (one a big chain store, the other an independent store) to survey the prices of microwave popcorn and bags of popping corn, both organic and non-organic varieties. I used the cheaper price of the two stores to compile the table below.

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