Just for fun, I decided to check out my blog statistics since I stopped blogging, and oddly enough my traffic is only marginally lower than it was while I was actively blogging. So for all those of you who continue to check out the site since I ‘retired from blogging’, I thought I would do a little update.
- My new job – the one that took away 99% of my blogging time – has been amazing! For the first time in my life, I am working in a job that keeps me constantly engaged throughout the day. On most days, it is 3 PM before I even realize it and I have to start wrapping things up for the day so I can go home on time. On top of that, I truly believe in what my organization does (we’re an environmental not-for-profit) and I feel like I’m making a difference in the world. What more could I ask for!?! Its amazing all the different directions your life can take when you are happy.
- I’ve been working two side jobs to earn additional income, which has been great. I’ve managed to get a consistent client as a private tutor that pays me a great wage to help with things I already know all about anyways (i.e. require zero prep time). And I recently got an inquiry from someone to buy some photos from me which will become my second paid photography gig.
- All this extra income is great and my savings have really taken off in the last 4 months. Considering that at this time last year, I was making less than minimum wage as a graduate student, having a reliable income means I haven’t had to think about other options like lines of credit or same day loans.
- I’ve been learning all kinds of things about healthy and low-impact eating. Did you know that you should always buy cooking oils in tinted or darkened bottles because the light that passes through transparent bottles degrades the oil and removes all the nutritional benefits. And that heat does the same thing! Don’t keep your cooking oil near your stove or fridge!
Alright, well, that’s my random update for the season
I keep checking the blog now and then, so do give me a shout if you want to share something interesting.
- Earth and Money
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It’s great having a job where the hours/days fly by, right??
Sounds like things are chugging along really well for you. Awesome.
eemusings recently posted..The importance of being yourself (or, every blogger’s biggest asset)
Sounds like things are going really well!

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