My fiancee and I are having a green wedding. That means that we’re making conscious choices about the environmental impacts of every wedding-related decision we make, including what we provide to our guests. We decided not to provide soft drinks, but rather to provide a selection of healthier, organic juices. We went to the grocery store and found ourselves in a classic environmental dilemma, much like the ketchup bottle situation that Rick Smith found himself in when writing Slow Death by Rubber Duck. On one side, we found Santa Cruz Organic juices, a product of California and packaged in a glass bottle. On the other hand, we found Kiju Organic juices, a local Ontario product, packaged in a Tetra Pak container. Both products were the same price for roughly the same volume of juice, so there was no financial aspect to the decision. A glass bottle is more sustainable than a Tetra Pak, but a local product means it didn’t travel as far – if only there was a local product in a glass bottle! But alas, this is the classic environmental dilemma – more often than not, when trying to be environmentally responsible, you are faced not with an ideal choice, but with having to choose the lesser of two evils.
Links Grow on Trees – Why Can’t My Wedding?!?
Planning my own wedding has led me to fully understand the value of hiring a wedding planner. I can’t say I expected it to be so much work. One of the reasons for all the work is that our wedding is also happening on the same day, and in nearly the same location, as a major city festival which attracts thousands of people and will totally be clogging up the area. It did not even occur to me to google the wedding date before booking everything to see what might be a competing interest. We also found out that our wedding officiant has booked another wedding immediately after ours, to the point where if our wedding runs late, we are now affecting someone else’s wedding. I don’t even know what we’re paying our officiant for – the whole wedding officiant business in Ontario is a complete and total racket. Other things I never thought I would think about – how much do people drink, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic? Can I just assume everyone drinks as much as I do? Its going to be a hot day, so we’re assuming people will drink more. But what will people want to drink – pop, juice, water, beer, wine…so many options! Where do you draw the line and just shove whatever you want down people’s throats. You’re drinking juice because I say so! I don’t think that works… I fear I am officially on the verge of becoming groomzilla. I’m one more request away from going Hulk on someone, ripping off my shirt and running down the street yelling “Hulk Angry!”.
At least I get to vent on this blog, right? Last week’s post, Planning a Green Frugal Wedding – Guests, was featured in a number of blog carnivals this week, so everyone gets to read about my agony!
- Carnival of Financial Camaraderie, hosted by My University Money
- Carnival of Financial Planning, hosted by Nerd Wallet
- Yakezie Carnival, hosted by Young Adult Finances
- Financial Carnival for Young Adults, hosted by 20′s Finances
- Carnival of Personal Finance, hosted by James Petzke
- Top Personal Finance Posts of the Week, hosted by Personal Finance Whiz
- Festival of Frugality, hosted by Funny About Money
- Carnival of Money Pros, hosted by Miss Wall Street
Thanks to all the carnival hosts! I’m not gonna lie, its been a crazy busy week, so I haven’t been reading anything in the blogosphere. But I do want to remind everyone to enter Prairie Eco-Thrifter’s iPad Giveaway! And while you’re there, don’t forget to read all the awesome posts she puts up – one of my favorites is one highlighting where to get inexpensive organic cotton clothing.
Happy Weekend Everyone! Look for two posts next week, I believe I can do it!
Like What You See? Share the Story!Are We an Impatient Society?
Firstly, many apologies to those who checked in this week and didn’t find a new post on Monday or Tuesday – it was partly due to the long weekend and partly due to the busyness of life. In fact, life seems so busy that I’m beginning to wonder if its negatively affecting me. I’m usually an exceedingly patient person – I’ve been told as much by many of my friends and family. But these days, it seems like my patience is waning. Is it a side-effect of life, or are we just becoming a less patient, more impersonal, rush-rush society? I’m not really sure but allow me to share a personal story to illustrate this…
Links Grow on Trees – But in Whose Reality?
So badly needing a break from my research work, I watched a movie last night called Source Code
. The movie was terrific but, combined with another of my favorite TV shows, Being Erica
, it left me going to bed thinking about a lot of philosophical issues. What if there are alternate realities to our own, all operating on a parallel timescale? Who could I be in another reality? Am I a millionaire, a celebrity, the founder of a charity…or maybe an unsuccessful average Joe? What would I have done differently in another reality in order to achieve more or less success? This left me thinking about the impacts of our decisions, both big and small, and how one simple decision can lead us on two completely different life paths. Getting married soon has also prompted a lot of these thoughts. But I only have to look over to the person sleeping next to me every night to to know that I have no decisions that I regret. Because every decision I’ve ever made and action I’ve ever taken has led me to where I am today. And there are things in my life that I wouldn’t give up for the world. So what did I learn from watching Source Code…that I need to go to bed earlier and stop watching movies late at night
Last week’s article, How NOT to Make a Financial Decision, was included in several blog carnivals, including:
- Carnival of Financial Camaraderie, hosted by One Smart Dollar, who chose the article as one of the editor’s picks!
- Top Personal Finance Posts of the Week, hosted by Personal Finance Whiz
- Carnival of Retirement, hosted by Portfolio Princess
- Financial Carnival for Young Adults, hosted by 20′s Finances
- Carnival of Personal Finance, hosted by One Cent at a Time
- Carnival of Money Pros, hosted by Little Miss Moneybags
I also want to give a shout-out to Modest Money, Invest It Wisely, Bog of Debt, and The Outlier Model for including my articles in their weekly link roundups. Much appreciated!
The past week has been incredibly busy as I am working on some of the final experimental work for my thesis. So that means that my blogosphere reading has taken a direct impact. But there were a few articles that caught my eye and my attention.
- Prairie Eco-Thrifter, one of my favorite eco-friendly blogs and an inspiration for Earth and Money, is celebrating her two year blogging anniversary by giving away an iPad and more!
- One of these days, I will actually get off my butt and open a brokerage account somewhere, but I will likely only start with a little bit until I get the hang of it. Questrade is at the top of my list of companies to try, so I was very interested to read on The Outlier Model about how they are instituting a fee change that will drastically affect small-time investors.
- A guest poster on Modest Money talks about three internet side jobs for web-development inclined people.
I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend! I will probably be working through most of it, so you’ll likely all enjoy it more than I will
The Hidden Ingredient in Fragrance – Phthalates
Go into your bathroom and look at the ingredients on every cosmetic or personal care product. Unless you are an avid purchaser of eco and/or health friendly products, I guarantee that almost all of them will list either Fragrance or Parfum as an ingredient. But what exactly is fragrance or parfum? The sad reality is that you might not want to know the answer.