Links Grow on Trees – Life Isn’t That Easy…

Jumping In | Source: Mike Miley on FlickrIts been an interesting week to say the least. Recently, one of my colleagues refused to accept the change that was imminent in his life. He was all set to graduate with his Master’s degree in hand. He needed only to make some simple revisions to his thesis and have his supervisor sign off on it before she flew out of the country for the next month. And yet, thus far, he has refused to make the changes. He has cited many reasons, but what I saw in his eyes was fear. Fear of the next step, of the change, of having to grow. Sometimes we think we’re ready for something, right up until the very moment it happens, and then we realize how very unprepared we are. When I was travelling, I went canyoning and at one point, we got to the top of a 50 foot waterfall. We were given the option to hike down the side of it, or jump off the cliff into the pool below. I was all ready to make the jump, until I got to the edge. Then fear gripped me by the arm and held me back. But sometimes you just have to jump, put your faith in yourself and hope for the best. I jumped that day, and it was one of the most exhilarating feelings of my life. Though I know it pales in comparison, I hope my colleague can make the jump he needs to make in his life.

Readers, have you struggled to take action on something that will change your life? Did fear hold you back? How did you overcome that? Please leave a comment, I would love to hear your stories.

One of last week’s posts, What Do You Need in Your Cage?, was featured in a number of blog carnivals this week, including:

Finally, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading in the blogosphere this week:

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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8 thoughts on “Links Grow on Trees – Life Isn’t That Easy…

  1. Boy did I ever struggle to take action years ago – on getting married! I was very young and unsure about the choice that I was making, if I’d be ready, would I be a good dad, etc. Now 10 years later, I can say it was the best choice ever! I finally got over the fear by realizing that this was probably the best person I’d ever meet and be with. Once you take a step back and realize how good you’ve got it, everything becomes more clear!
    MyMoneyDesign recently posted..Weekend Wind Down 4/28/2012My Profile

    • Thanks for sharing MMD! Marriage is one of the biggest life decisions we make, so its important to have that realization before jumping in into it! But as Billy Crystal says in When Harry Met Sally, “when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!”
      Earth and Money recently posted..Planning a Green Frugal Wedding – FoodMy Profile

  2. For years, I’ve struggled with my fear of water that’s why I’ve never learned how to swim. When I was younger, I was more willing to take the risk and I would jump into the water and hope for the best. I always ended up being rescued.
    As I grew older, I learned to avoid similar situations and the fear stayed with me.
    That’s actually one of the things in my list of things to do before I die.
    Learn how to overcome my fear and finally be able to have fun in the water.
    Theresa Torres recently posted..Power of the Extra DollarMy Profile

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