On June 7th, I launched myself into a 9-week productivity challenge. The challenge was to complete 9 tasks in 9 weeks. I wasn’t sure that making the list would motivate me but I figured it would give me some goals for the summer. Last week marked the end of that 9 weeks, so I thought I’d take a moment to recap how I did.
- Get married with a minimal amount of stress. Result: DONE! I took her finger and I put a ring on it, on budget, in a sustainable way and with minimal stress as planned. It turned out to be one of the best days of my life!
- Finish the first draft of my thesis by mid-July. Result: DONE! It was a slog, but I finished my thesis on time, and now I defend today!
- Write the final paper for my final graduate course. Result: DONE! This one was actually kind of fun. I wrote the paper in about 3-4 days, right after the wedding. And you, readers, got to enjoy reading it (or at least a blog-friendly version of it)! If you haven’t a clue what I’m talking about, then you will want to read about investing to save the world.
- Enjoy the summer while doing #2-3. Result: Could have done better. I definitely did enjoy the summer – I had a few cottage weekends, saw some outdoor movies in the city, went on hikes and bike rides, took in music festivals, etc. But I still feel like I spent too much time inside this summer. It didn’t help that the weather has been really erratic – if its not boiling hot, its pouring rain!
- Write more blog posts about the environment. Result: DONE! I posted my follow-up to the Tetra Pak environmental dilemma, and my graduate paper (see #3 above). That was all pretty good. But I want to keep doing more. I’m moving into a new apartment this fall, and I’m going to try and green the place. Of course, I’ll be sharing everything I learn here.
- Write out a list of things to try for the Fall. Result: Didn’t happen. Partly because I haven’t had time, but also partly because I have less of a reason to need this now. Originally, I was heading into unemployment this fall now that I will be out of school again, and I thought I would have lots of time to try and learn new things. But I have good news! I got a job in the education sector, right up my alley. I want to be a teacher, and this job will help get me there. I start the first week of September, so I will be keeping very busy this year. I still do have a few skills also that I want to pick up this year – most notably, I want to learn about bike repair and orienteering.
- Take more pictures. Result: Didn’t really happen. One of my big hobbies is photography, but I had to let that go in the spring to focus on other things, like the wedding. I’d hoped to pick it back up this summer, but that just didn’t happen outside of a few times. Maybe in the Fall!
- Make a defined effort to limit web browsing to 1-hour a day. Result: FAIL! I blame the blog and the Olympics! I still need to cut down on my web browsing. Being in a job this Fall, and not a student, will very quickly and forcefully curb that though so let’s just push this one back a month or two.
- Successfully defend my thesis in mid-August. Result: Check the comments… I decided to write this post before defending, partly because I’m procrastinating on studying for my defence
. So I’ll post in the comments afterwards how I did. But I don’t see it being an issue…
All in all, it has been a pretty great summer so far! I’m going to have a little over two weeks off once I finish school before I start the new job, so I’m going to be maximizing my summer time while I can. I think that making this list helped me in the end – it didn’t necessarily give me motivation to do all these things, but now that I can go back and see what I did and didn’t do, it’s helped me to realize what I accomplished in the last two months.
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Sounds very productive! I managed to do a lot over the summer too and I’m so excited to be able to relax a little bit.
Michelle recently posted..Money or Passion?
Uh dude, you defend TODAY??!! Holy crap! Since your wrote that whole thesis, I bet you’ll do just fine! And now that you’re married you got some good support at home either way! GOOD LUCK, dude!!
TB at BlueCollarWorkman recently posted..The Roadrage with a Gun Trial
I definitely have an amazing support at home!!!
Earth and Money recently posted..Ethical Mutual Funds – A Better Way to Invest?
Sounds like you’ve had a very productive summer, congrats on the wedding and the new job.
Jordann @ My Alternate Life recently posted..Debt By Numbers
An hour a day..wow. I couldn’t even blog in that amount of time let alone grow my blog! Commenting is a big part of that so I’m on the web 3-4 hours a day outside of work. good challenge though – it simplifies things.
Looks like you rocked those nine weeks!
Daisy @ Add Vodka recently posted..Planning For Homebuying
Yah, I put more than an hour a day into blogging on average as well. I would say that my hour of web browsing goal doesn’t include blogging since blogging serves a greater purpose.
Earth and Money recently posted..The Value of the Corporate Social Responsibility Label
Congrats on scoring a job E&M! That’s awesome news. Hopefully you can still keep the blog rolling with that upcoming commitment.
And good luck defending your thesis today. If you get stuck on any questions, do what they do on South Park and take the Chewbacca defense lol.
Modest Money recently posted..Thoughts About Investing
Thanks Jeremy! We’ll see how things go with the blog. I might have to prioritize generating content for E&M and limit my time spent on other blogs, but I don’t think I want to let this blog go yet

I’ve never heard of the Chewbacca defense. I’m going to have to look into it!
Earth and Money recently posted..Are We Funding Our Own Demise?
It’s nice to hear you’re having a great summer. I have a similar goal to limit my online browsing and I’m failing horribly at it. Maybe someone should start a support group for online browsing addicts. Urggg
Veronica @ Pelican on Money recently posted..Make Money on Craigslist: Sell like a Pro
It’s tough! I get on a roll, and then I just go from link to link to link

Earth and Money recently posted..Links Grow on Trees – Defending Like an Olympian!
Thanks for the comments everyone! I finished my defence!

They came at me with everything they had. I had to make some concessions, and I have to do some revisions to the thesis, but otherwise, the worst of it is over!
Earth and Money recently posted..Investing to Save the World
Me and my BF really need to do #8. Sometimes we don’t even realize how much time we waste just browsing the internet.
Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses recently posted..Money Saving Tips I Learned from Watching "Say Yes to the Dress"
Man, what the hell are you doing posting blogs the day you’re defending?! From the previous comments, sounds like it went well – congrats!
CF recently posted..What can you get for $10?
Thanks! I needed some study breaks, so that’s where the blogging came in! It kept me sane through the process

Earth and Money recently posted..How to Deal with a Bad Landlord
If I was there right now I would take you out to celebrate. Congratulations on the wedding and the thesis. That defense is going to feel so good once you are done it. One of my close friends just defended a couple weeks ago.
I always like reading your eco posts since they are so well researched. I always learn something new.
Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter recently posted..Build Your Home Food Storage Without Breaking the Bank
Thanks Miss T! Finishing the defence was the best feeling of all. Actually being in the defence was kind of painful

I am brainstorming ideas for more eco-posts for the future, so stay tuned!
Earth and Money recently posted..Tetra Pak – The Sequel