Links Grow on Trees – Earth Hour Edition

Earth Hour | Source:

It was a busy week in the world, particularly in Ontario where we got to see both the Ontario and Federal budgets. Lots of changes coming in the future, some good, some not so good. But I thought I would devote this post to remind everyone that tonight (Saturday, March 31st), at 8:30 PM, it’s Earth Hour! I’m proud to say that outside of Australia (where Earth Hour started), my city, Toronto, was the first one to sign up and get behind Earth Hour. What is Earth Hour? Earth Hour is an opportunity to turn off the lights for one hour, starting at 8:30 PM wherever you are. Whether you’re a business or an individual, turn off the lights and send a message to the world that climate change is real and that sustainable action is possible. Last year, 5200 cities in 135 countries committed to Earth Hour. Some even went further and left them off until the start of the next day. Tonight, I’ll be turning off the lights – will you? As a bonus, you’ll even save some money on your electricity bill. How’s that for environmentalism powering frugality!

On another note, I’m very happy that Earth and Money was featured in two blog carnivals this week:

Check out those carnivals for some great reads, or the following links for a look at what I’ve been reading in the blogosphere over the past week.

Happy Weekend Everyone and don’t forget to turn off the lights tonight!

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