Links Grow on Trees – Yakezie Edition

Proud Member of the Yakezie Challenge
As I delve into the real world of blogging about personal finance, I’ve discovered a network called Yakezie. I liken Yakezie to the underworld of personal finance blogging, but that sounds kind of negative. Its really just a great, big support network for all personal finance and lifestyle bloggers out there on the internet to help each other out. So in an effort to join the Yakezie Network, I hereby launch my participation in the Yakezie Challenge. As of writing this post, my current Alexa ranking is 21,639,161. That means that there are over 21 million sites on the internet that get more traffic than I do. Normally, the goal of Yakezie Challengers is to get their ranking down under 200,000 within 6 months. Since I just missed the last 6 month challenge cutoff, and since its going to be slow at first, as I wrap up school in the next 4-5 months, I’m going to give myself just under a year to get down to 100,000! Its a big goal, but I think I can do it! One of the first mantras of Yakezie is to selflessly promote others. So without further ado, here is another edition of what I’ve been reading in the blogosphere this week!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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